Flooding - After your premises was flooded due to something like a severe storm or a burst waterpipe, the walls and floors can stay damp for an extended period of time. This can cause the soundness of your structure to deteriorate and mould to grow, which is very dangerous to your health.

Dehumidifiers, Blowers and Industrial fans: Should your floors or walls be damp or wet due to flooding, Allsure shall dry out the structure by installing dehumidifiers, blowers and fans. We shall track the progress of the drying process by taking regular moisture readings.

Open areas like doors and windows are sealed off to create a vacuum and enable the moist floors and walls to dry out.


Thermal Cameras  - We can pinpoint the problem areas with the help of our thermal cameras


Moisture Meters  -  We track the progress of the drying process by taking regular moisture readings.


A red light indicates moisture in the wall  -   A green light indicates that the wall is dry

Insurance claims

If it is an insurance claim, we shall keep your insurer informed throughout the whole drying process. We can supply the insurer with a complete written report with all the relevant thermal and normal photos. The detailed report also will include the cause of the moisture problem, the step by step progress that is being made and the outcome of the process.


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